Untrue Stories

Halloween special featuring the Midnight Pals (trailer)

Episode Summary

Preview of our Halloween crossover special with Hugo-nominated microfiction The Midnight Pals

Episode Notes

Coming this Halloween, a crossover Hugo-nominated twitter microfiction The Midnight Pals! Wells and Orwell sit round the campfire with Edgar Allan Poe, Mary Shelley and H. P. Lovecraft in an uncharacteristically spooky episode of Untrue Stories

The Midnight Pals is created by bitter karella. You can follow their antics on Twitter at https://twitter.com/midnight_pals


A transcript of this trailer is available at https://untrue-stories.simplecast.com/episodes/midnight-pals-halloween-crossover-trailer/transcript

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Episode Transcription

[FX: Quick music cue from the Untrue Stories theme. Fades into a quick banjo music cue]

VOICEOVER (Robin): This Halloween, on an uncharacteristically spooky Untrue Stories...

H. P. LOVECRAFT: Aah! Who are you?

ORWELL: Mr Lovecraft?

LOVECRAFT: Edgar! There are people arriving here...

EDGAR ALLAN POE: Howard, we're not having this conservation again. A healthy flow of immigration is essential—


POE: Oh.

ORWELL: How d'you do.

POE: Edgar Allan Poe. Haven't had the pleasure.

ORWELL: I'm George Orwell.

MARY SHELLEY: The communist animals guy. and the self-proclaimed inventor of science fiction.

ORWELL:  This is my—friend—

WELLS: Hullo!

ORWELL: —H. G. Wells.

MARY SHELLEY: And the self-proclaimed inventor of science fiction.

ORWELL: Mary Shelley?


VOICEOVER: A crossover special with bitterkarella's Hugo-nominated microfiction.

[FX: Ambience out and back in. Campfire. Banjo music cue]

POE: We're called the Midnight Society. Separately, we're very different. We like different things, we live in different centuries, but one thing draws us together: the dark. Howard, put down the banjo.

[Banjo stops]

LOVECRAFT: Oh, I think I'm making progress—hey!

SHELLEY: Cocking twangy bastard!

LOVECRAFT: Mary, give it back!

[FX: Movement, banjo smashing in background]

LOVECRAFT: Edgar, make Mary give it back!

SHELLEY: Cocking—twangy—bastard!

POE: [Over LOVECRAFT and SHELLEY's voices] Each week, we gather round this campfire to share our strange and scary tales.

SHELLEY: [As the scene fades] Cocking twangy bastard

[Ambience fades out]

VOICEOVER: Untrue Stories meets The Midnight Pals, appearing in audio for the first time.

[Campfire ambience in]

WELLS: For the approval of the Midnight Society, I call this... the tale of the mad scientist.

SHELLEY: Oh. How original.

WELLS: [Missing the sarcasm] Thank you. So this mad scientist creates an artificial form of life.

SHELLEY: You don't say.

WELLS: But the life he creates gets out of his control, and turns against him.

SHELLEY: Really?

WELLS: And the mad scientist ends up fighting his creation to their mutual destruction.

[FX: Switchblade]

POE: Mary... put away the switchblade.

SHELLEY: Just sharpening my marshmallow stick.

[Ambience fades out. Untrue Stories theme music starts, playing under the following line]

VOICEOVER: Coming Saturday 29 October to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Goodpods and all podcatchers. The Midnight Pals is a creation of Bitter Karella, and can be found on twitter at @midnight_pals. Find Untrue Stories wherever you find your podcasts.